Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Nanobiotechnology, will be organized around the theme “Exploring the New Horizons of Nano Biotech”
nanobiotechnology 2017 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in nanobiotechnology 2017
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Bionanotechnology is the term that refer to the juncture of nanotechnology and biology.
This discipline aids to indicate the fusion of biological research with several fields of nanotechnology. Concepts that are improved through nanobiology are comprises with nanoscale, nanodevices , and nanoparticles phenomena that occurs within the discipline of nanotechnology.
- Track 1-1Nanobiology
- Track 1-2DNA Nanotechnology
- Track 1-3Gene Therapy
- Track 1-4Protein Nanotechnology
- Track 1-5Cellular Engineering
- Track 1-6Lipid Nanotechnogy
- Track 1-7Carbon Nanotechnology
- Track 1-8Green Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional structures at the molecular scale. This covers current work and concepts that are more advanced. It is the design, production, characterization and application of structures, devices, and systems by controlled operation of shape and size at the nanometer scale that produces structures, devices, and systems with at least one superior characteristic or property. In its original sense, nanotechnology refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using systems and tools being developed currently to make complete, highly innovative products. The capability to see nano-sized materials has released up a world of possibilities in a range of industries and scientific endeavors. Because nanotechnology is basically a set of techniques that permit manipulation of properties at a very small scale, it can have various applications.
- Track 2-1Calculus
- Track 2-2Chemistry
- Track 2-3Computer Science
- Track 2-4Engineering
- Track 2-5Miniaturization
- Track 2-6Physics
- Track 2-7Quantum Mechanics
- Track 2-8Self-organization
- Track 2-9Science
- Track 2-10Robotics
- Track 2-11Supramolecular Chemistry
Nanopharmaceuticals are colloidal elements of 10 to 1,000 nanometers in size. They are commonly used in drug delivery. Nanopharmaceuticals are varied both in their shape and composition and frequently offer an improvement as compared to their “bulk” complements primarily because of size. Numerous pharmaceutical companies are using nanotech to reconsider shelved drugs that were “difficult” from a design point of-view due to their solubility profiles.
- Track 3-1Nanoparticles
- Track 3-2Nanoemulsions
- Track 3-3Dendrimers
- Track 3-4Nanocapsules
- Track 3-5Biodegradability, Transformation, Alteration
- Track 3-6Bioaccumulation
Nanomedicine is the medical use of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials and biological devices,to nanoelectronic biosensors, and also possible future uses of molecular nanotechnology such as biological machines. Current difficulties for nanomedicine involve understanding the subjects related to toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale materials.
- Track 4-1Drug Delivery
- Track 4-2Nanomedicine and Cancer
- Track 4-3Nano sensor and Bioprobes
- Track 4-4Nanomedicine Surgery
- Track 4-5Healthcare Applications
- Track 4-6Future Nanomedicine
Nanometrology is one of the field of metrology, concerned with the science of measurement at the nanoscale level. Nanometrology has a important role in order to produce nanomaterials and devices with a reliability and high degree of accuracy in nanomanufacturing. A challenge in this field is to improve a new measurement techniques and standards to fulfil the needs of future generation advanced manufacturing, which will rely on nanometer scale materials and technologies. The requirements for measurement and characterization of new sample structures and characteristics far exceed the abilities of current measurement science.
- Track 5-1Atomic force microscopy
- Track 5-2Scanning tunnelling microscope
- Track 5-3Electron Microscope
- Track 5-4Super Resolution Microscopy
- Track 5-5Nanopatterning
- Track 5-6Nanoscales
Biomaterials are the topic of intense and demanding development. It is very well known that the microscale biomaterials properties have a significant character in their interaction with neighbouring environment and the realization of their application. Recent studies have shown that nano aspects of biomaterials also play an significant role in the terms of improving their properties due to their smaller size, than their microscale counterparts.
- Track 6-1Biosensors and Biocatalyst
- Track 6-2Protein Based Functional Nanostructured Biomaterials
- Track 6-3Metallic Biomaterials
- Track 6-4Polymeric Biomaterials
- Track 6-5Graphene and Applications
- Track 6-6Nanoparticles and Biological Applications
- Track 6-7Nanotribology
- Track 6-8Degradation and Corrosion of Biomaterials
Nanobiometrics discusses to metrics related to human characteristics. Biometric identifiers are the unique, measurable characteristics used to label and define individuals. Biometric identifiers are frequently categorized as physiological against behavioral characteristics. Physiological characteristics are interrelated to the shape of the body. Examples include, but are not limited to palm, fingerprint, veins, face recognition, DNA, hand geometry, iris recognition, palm print, retina and odour/scent. Behavioural features are allied to the pattern of behavior of a person, including but not restricted to typing rhythm, gait, and voice. Some scientists have coined the term behaviometrics to define the latter class of biometrics.
- Track 7-1Biological Computing
- Track 7-2Self-Assembled Monolayers
- Track 7-3Quantitative Nanoscale Vortex Imaging
- Track 7-4Nanothermometry
- Track 7-5Nano Imaging Devices
Nanobiomechanics also known as bionanomechanics is an emerging field in nanoscience and biomechanics that includes the powerful tools of nanomechanics to discover fundamental science of biomaterials and biomechanics. For many years, biomechanics has studied as tissue. Through improvements in nanoscience, the scale of the forces that could be measured and moreover the scale of observation of biomaterials was condensed to "nano" and "pico" level. Accordingly, it became likely to measure the mechanical properties of biological materials at nanoscale. One of the other most important topics is measurement of tiny forces on living cells to identify changes caused by different diseases.
- Track 8-1Instrumentation in Nano Biomechanics
- Track 8-2Computational Nanobiomechanics
- Track 8-3Bio-Nano ElectroMagnetic System(Bio-NEMS) & Biomedical Microelectromechanical Systems(Bio-MEMS)
- Track 8-4Nanomechanical Computational Systems
- Track 8-5Mechanosynthesis
Nano Molecular engineering is several means of manufacturing molecules or making new manufacturing materials using them. It may be used to make, on an extremely small scale, most typically one at a time, new molecules which may not exist in nature, or be unchanging beyond a very narrow variety of conditions. Molecular engineering is often called nanotechnology at which its techniques must operate. That term is reflected to be vague, however, due to misappropriation of the term in association with other techniques, like X-ray lithography, that are not used to make new free-floating ions or molecules.
- Track 9-1Recombinant DNA
- Track 9-2Site-Directed Mutagenesis
- Track 9-3Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Track 9-4Biomolecular Engineering Techniques Involved in Polymer Chain Reaction
- Track 9-5Bio-Immobilization and Bio-Conjugation
- Track 9-6Bio-Molecular Engineering in Industry
Tissue engineering is the use of a grouping of cells, engineering and materials methods, and appropriate biochemical and physicochemical factors to increase or replace biological tissues. Tissue engineering includes the use of a scaffold for the creation of innovative viable tissue for a medical determination. While it was once characterized as a sub-field of biomaterials, having developed in scope and importance and it can be considered as a field in its own.
- Track 10-1Tissue Culture
- Track 10-2Synthetic Biology
- Track 10-3Nanoelectronics-Innervated Tissues
- Track 10-4Carbon Nanotube Scaffolds
- Track 10-5Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering
Nanotechnology based medical diagnosis methods under development. A method for identifying cancer cells in the bloodstream is being advanced using nanoparticles called NanoFlares. The NanoFlares are aimed to genetic targets in cancer cells, and create light when that particular genetic target is found. Nanomaterials are increasingly used in diagnostic, targeted drug delivery applicationsand imaging.
- Track 11-1Nanowire Optoelectronic Devices
- Track 11-2Lab-On-A-Chip Technology
- Track 11-3Invivo & Invitro Diagnosis
- Track 11-4Biochips
- Track 11-5Nanoendoscopy
- Track 11-6AFM For Cardiovascular Diseases
The societal impact of nanotechnology are the prospective benefits and challenges that the summary of novel nanotechnological devices and materials may grip for society and human interaction. The term is sometimes extended to also comprise nanotechnology's health and environmental impact. Green nanotechnology raises to the use of nanotechnology to improve the environmental sustainability of processes creating negative externalities. It also states to the use of the yields of nanotechnology to enhance sustainability. As the market for nanotechnology and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems solutions remains to ramp up, the rate of organizations looking for to get involved with this sector is also growing. Yet there are still major challenges that are, in several cases, posing difficulties in entering this market.
- Track 12-1Societal Impact
- Track 12-2Environmental Impact
- Track 12-3Economic Impact
- Track 12-4Traditional Approaches
- Track 12-5Ethics and Regulations